Earthtime is a leading multi-disciplinary development and environmental consulting firm offering professional services in the fields of applied earth and environmental sciences. |
The SECRAMP project development objective is to support the Government of Liberia’s effort to enhance road connectivity for residents living along selected sections of the Ganta to Zwedru Road Corridor and to improve institutional capacity to manage the road sector. This will be done through the improvement and maintenance of a section of the corridor from Ganta to Tappita (or beyond) and supporting the GoL road sector reform process.
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for installation and operation of a heavy fuel oil (HFO) pipeline from the feed point within the Freeport of Monrovia to the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) property on Bushrod Island, and construction of storage terminals for the HFO and other liquids on the LEC property.
The Project’s proponent is Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC), a 100% public enterprise owned by the Government of Liberia established in 1973 with the sole provision of producing electrical energy and distributing it throughout...
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The OSRP has been prepared for LEC to outline response actions for potential spills in the context of LACEEP, rehabilitation of the heavy fuel oil off-loading facility/pumping station in the Free Port of Monrovia, and the HFO transport pipeline and storage tanks on the Liberia Electricity Cooperation (LEC) premises on Bushrod Island.
This OSRP is designed to provide emergency response personnel of Liberia Electricity Corporation with the information needed to respond to incidents in a safe, rapid, effective, and efficient manner. This OSRP also assists in the...
ESIA for Five Offshore Oil Exploration Drilling Programs in Liberia in partnership with Acorn International (including all activities to be conducted during Rig’s Mobilization, Drilling and Demobilization operations as well as support activities such as air and water transport, storage of equipment and materials).
ESIA for 20 MW Power Plant including mobilization, construction, and operation activities. Power plant will be fuelled by Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO). Earthtime is engaged to undertake the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the rehabilitation, construction and operation of 20 MW power plant, and HFO tanks at Bushrod Island, to deliver electricity to Monrovia.
ESIA for Water Supply Infrastructure Improvement in the cities of Robertsport, Sanniquellie, and Voinjama including rehabilitation and operation of treatment facilities, and extension of pipelines.
Earthtime was retained to conduct environmental due diligence on contents of Lead, Asbestos and PCBs in paint at the Mount Coffee Hydropower Project. The rehabilitation of the Mt. Coffee Hydropower involves removal (by sandblasting) of the original paint used in the powerhouse, waterways and spillway. The old plant is known to potentially contain hazardous materials such as asbestos, lead and PCBs. The purpose of this inspection was to identify potential content of Asbestos, Lead and PCBs in paint that may pose potential environmental, health and safety implications.
Environmental Management Plan prepared by Earthtime and approved by EPA, and environmental permit issued for the construction and operation of the mill in Tarjuowon Statutory District of Sinoe County in the southâ€east of Liberia.
This largeâ€scale oil palm mill features stages required to produce palm oil to international standards. The plant will have a throughput of 80 tons of Fresh Fruit Bunches/hour (80 TPH), and will cover a total area of 22.4ha including the oil palm mill (8.5Ha); an effluent treatment and biogas plant (5.3Ha); and a 8.6Ha water reservoir ...
ESIA for the 66 kV/ 56 km Power Transmission Line extending between a Power Plant located in Kakata and Paynesville sub-station in Monrovia (including all activities to be conducted in the mobilization, construction, operation and decommissioning phases i.e. construction of facilities, erection of the towers, access roads, inspection and maintenance, dismantling, shipment and final disposal of materials as well as site rehabilitation)
EMP for Wood Chip Production from the old rubber trees of Liberia (including cutting down rubber trees, chain-sawing and chipping, , transport of logs and chips, land preparation, roads rehabilitation, loading and shipping the woodchips).